Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


The team is involved in the following undergraduate and graduate-level programs at Mines Nantes and University of Nantes (the institutions all of eaching staff belongs to):

  • The team is a main contributor to the engineering program of EMN.

  • Within this engineering program, the team is steering, chairing and the main contributor to a two-year graduate-level informatics specialization. H. Grall is managing this program.

  • Since 2009 our team has defined and set up a new three-year engineering program on software engineering. T. Ledoux is managing this program.

The team has also been involved in the following MSc programs that have been carried out with partners from French and foreign universities:

  • The team participates in the MSc program “Alma” on software architecture and distributed systems, a joint program steered by colleagues from University of Nantes. In this context, we are responsible for a 48-hour module on advanced software composition and take part in the program's governing board. M. Südholt is managing the participation of Mines Nantes in this program.

  • Members of the team have taught different courses at different study levels in Rennes mainly organized by University of Rennes and the research institutes IRISA and Inria.

ASCOLA members have taught for about 210 hours on average in 2014 (hours of presence in front of students). Hereby, we have taken into account that researchers and some professors have not taught at times. In addition, another significant part of the program is taught by temporary and external staff, whose participation is managed by ASCOLA members.

In addition, J. Noyé was deputy for teaching of the Computer Department until March, 31.


The team has been supervising 18 PhD thesis in 2014, of which six have been co-supervised with external partners (three with foreign partners from U. Chile; TU Darmstadt, Germany; VU Brussel, Belgium), two with another Inria team (Myriads from Rennes) and one with the French TASC team from Mines Nantes.

Six PhD theses have been defended this year. Mayleen Lacouture on chemical programming for the web; Guilhem Jaber on the extension of logics for theorem provers using forcing; Diana Allam on service interoperability and securing service compositions; Guillaume Le Louët on energy management in data centers; Ismaël Figueroa on formal approaches for correct software composition; Charles Prud'homme on the structuring of constraint solvers.

Two members of the team have been preparing an HDR in 2014 for a defense in 2014.


  • J.-C. Royer was a member of the PhD committees of Cosmin Dumitrescu (Université Paris I), Hamzeih Eyal Salman (Université de Montpellier II), Diana Allam (Mines de Nantes), Ahmad Kheir (Université de Nantes and Université Libanaise), and Hamza Samih (Université de Rennes I).

  • A. Lebre was a member of the PhD committee of Alexandre Lissy, “Utilisation de méthodes formelles pour garantir des propriétés de logiciels au sein d'une distribution : exemple du noyau Linux”, University of Tours, March 2014.

  • J.-M. Menaud was a reviewer of the PhD of : Gueérout Tom (Dec. 5, 2014 on “Ordonnancement sous contraintes de Qualité de Service dans les Clouds” in Toulouse), Sébastien Schinella (Dec. 2, 2014 on “Contribution à l'étude de l'Efficacité énergétique des Services TIC” in Paris), Aurélien Wailly (Sep. 15, 2014 on “Architecture de sécurité de bout-en-bout pour les environnements cloud” in Paris), Djawida Dib (Jul. 7, 2014 on “Optimizing PaaS Provider Profit under Service Level Agreement Constraints” in Rennes), Tran Giang Son (Jun. 4, 2014 on “Cooperative Resource Management in the Cloud” in Grenoble), Amit Sangroya (Apr. 24, 2014 on “Towards Dependability and Performance Benchmarking for Cloud Computing Services” in Grenoble).

  • M. Südholt has served as reporting member of the examination committee of Mohamed Aly at TU Darmstadt, Germany, in Nov. 2014.